Welcome to Recruitment Hub, Our website Recruitmenthub.in is a government job portal in India emerged out with an objective of satisfying the demand of each and every educated individual to find a properly compensated job position in Indian central & state government sector.
Recruitmenthub.in provides free educational & employment information to help job seekers. The information provided in Recruitmenthub.in is collected from various sources across the web. We try to ensure, the provided information is accurate and useful. Recruitmenthub.in makes no warranty, representation or guarantee as to content, sequence, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, truthfulness and positioning of the information or the sources that the information may be relied upon for any reason. Recruitmenthub.in will not be responsible for any errors or omission in this website and reserve the right to make changes without notice. In particular but without limiting anything here, we disclaim any responsibility for typographical errors and accuracy of the information that is contained in this site.
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Team Members

Director : Anurag Gupta
Mechanical Engineer by Profession.
Youtuber, Blogger, Digital Creator by hobby

Managing Director : Akash Kumar Gupta
Computer Engineer by Profession.
Youtuber, Blogger, Digital Creator by hobby