BSF Recruitment for 1072 Head Constable Vacancy: Border Security Force (BSF) has released its notification for recruitment of 1072 Head Constable (Radio Operator) and Head Constable (Radio Mechanic) on temporary basis likely to be made permanent. If you want to make a career with the BSF Recruitment, then this is your chance. Apply for this BSF Recruitment and make the most of this opportunity.The last date to apply for this BSF Vacancy is 12 June 2019. Read the article to know in detail about the salary, pay scale, total vacancies, important dates and Here are some of the important Highlights of the BSF Recruitment Notification 2019.
Organization: Border Security Force (BSF)
Application Mode: Online
Total Vacancy : 1072
Posts Name:
- Head Constable (Radio Operator) – 300 Posts
- Head Constable (Radio Mechanic) – 772 Posts
Pay-Scale: Rs.25,500-81,100
Age Limit: 18-25 Years
- 5 Years for SC/ST
- 3 Years for OBC
- 10 Years for Pwd candidates
Qualification :
- Matriculation + ITI in Radio and Television or Electronic or Computer operator & programming Assistant or data preparation & computer software, General Electronics, data entry operator from a recognized institute.
- 12th standard or equivalent with physics, chemistry and mathematics from a recognized board or university or institution as regular student with aggregate 60% marks in PCM subject.
Selection Procedure:
- Selection will be based on Written Test, PST PET and Medical Exam.
Written examination: The MCQ type written examination of 3 hours duration will be conducted at selected centers on the date and time fixed by HQ DG BSF.
Negative marking: For every multiple-choice question of 2 marks, 0.50 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.
Physical Standards:
- Height – 168 cms for Male and 157 cms for Female candidates.
- Chest – 80 cms (85 cms after expansion).
- Weight – Corresponding to Height and age.
Application Fee :
- Rs.100 for General/OBC candidates and
- No fee for SC/ST candidates through the online mode.
Job Location : Hyderabad
Important Dates :
- Starting Date Of Online Form Submission: 14 May 2019
- End Date Of Online Form Submission: 12 June 2019
How To Apply :
The candidates can apply online application through the website from 14 May to 12 June 2019.
Important Links:
- Official Notification : Click Here
- Apply Link : Click Here